Fitspo… What Type Of Fitness Posts Inspire You??

Has anyone else noticed that if you hashtag “fitspo” on IG you get all sorts of glorious photos of girls with perfect abs? Or crazy skinny “toned” chicks?? Maybe a bunch of bikini competitors?? I scroll through my newsfeed and I’ve noticed that’s all I see. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Those ladies work their butts off for their bodies and deserve all sorts of props!! But the further I get into my personal health and fitness journey, the less images like that motivate me. They actually sometimes cause me to get down on myself which has the opposite effect.

Over the past couple of years, I’ve learned so much about myself and my body that my fitness and body goals have changed. Which also changes what motivates and inspires me. I no longer want a shredded six pack and that “perfect” model body that society idolizes. I love my curves and I want to keep them. Yes I have some fat that could stand to be lost and I want my flat stomach back and maybe abs that peak here and there, but now I find myself much more motivated by pictures of women who actually have body types that are similar to mine. Ones with natural curves, not implants, ripped abs and super muscular or super “toned” thighs. My thighs are muscular and yes they have a little extra jiggle but I like them that way. Yes I have more fluff than I would like around my midsection but I’m working on it and I don’t need a waist clincher or a tiny 25in waist or anything like that. Yes my boobs are on the larger size and I know that boobs are mostly all fat, but I’m happy with them. They don’t need to shrink down and I’ll never get implants. If implants are your thing, more power to you, I’m not knocking you, it’s just not me. My arms are muscular and although covered with a layer of fat, they seem to slim down the quickest. I’m happy with me and I love my body. I’d much rather do workouts that I enjoy and that make me happy and have a balanced diet that doesn’t make me feel restricted than do crazy amounts of cardio and weight lifting that makes me dread working out everyday and eat a diet that makes me feel miserable and causes me to skip out on things. It’s about balance and self love. I’m not trying to by a bikini competitor or a size 0. Hell, I’m not even trying to be a size 4 lol I just want to be healthy, strong, curvy, and happy. This is a journey. And it’s a personal journey. The longer I’m on it, the more it changes and the more personal it gets.

So that kind of fitness posts inspire you?? Do you post pictures of girls with the sexy six packs and bikini competitors as your background? (I use to!!) or does the girl with curves and a little extra uumph inspire you?? Let me know!!


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